For as long as i remember scouting was always part of my life. I used to be a girl guide in Lebanon for a while, then when we moved to Montreal, i got involved in the movement here as a cub assistant then a leader. My nickname was Akela and i volunteered for almost 10 years with different groups, then started to train others with Scouts Canada to become beaver or cub leaders. Most of what helps me to survive in life i have learned in scouting: cooking, taking care of myself, persisting in times of despair, adapting to changes, rescuing, healthy living, public speaking, being creative...and much more. It was also during my volunteer years in scouting that i met most of my best friends and my life partner. I remember how i used to spend days and evenings planning, organizing and preparing for the next camping, event or cuboree. I loved working with cubs (8-12 year olds). There was a time in my life, when i was a University student that my duties as a cub leader were above all. Most of my sundays were spent at the church basement singing, playing and discovering the world around with a group of 32-34 eager girl cubs.